How to snack for a body you love
The big problem I have with extreme diets and detoxes is the purposeful calorie restriction.Here's my stake in the sand, my rage against what I call the Diet Industrial Complex:
Calories. Don't. Matter.
When you're trying to cleanse your body of built up toxins and inflammation, and to really heal your digestion, hormones, and mood, counting calories is a false promise.It's all about the types of food you put in your body, avoiding foods like gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, soy, and caffeine for a while, and adding foods and supplements to heal your body.
Counting calories makes you crazy and fills your head with useless numbers.Counting calories (or points for the "weight watchers rejects" who have finally escaped) focuses on the wrong thing:
Counting calories makes you stop listening to your body, and that keeps the horrible cycle of dieting and body-shame in place. CLICK TO TWEET THIS
What you see here is a sample of the snacks that I enjoy, and that are Cravings Cleanse approved. My rules for snacks while on the cleanse are:
- Toxic 6 free (gluten, dairy, corn, soy, sugar, and caffeine)
- I eat when I'm truly hungry
- I eat slowly, with love, appreciation, and away from my computer
- Snacks have to be yummy!
Whether hard boiled eggs, avocados filled with extra virgin olive oil, fruit, chopped veggies, or coconut wraps filled with apple slices and almond butter, my snacks are healthy, yummy, and cleanse approved.
I will not choose a snack based on how many calories are on the label.And that's how I've been coaching my clients to eat for over 13 years.Because counting calories will not tell you how a food makes you feel, and that's the most important thing you can learn now.Counting calories will not help you heal your body, or fix your relationship with your body.Choosing wholesome foods, and listening to how your body feels when you eat them, while removing the ingredients that cause us to feel sluggish, bloated, foggy, and in pain, is the only way to really create a new way of eating and living.And helping you feel well in your body is my main mission.
Join the Cravings Cleanse - we begin 2/12.